20 Things I liked this year 2013

                                                     20 Things I liked This Year 2013

  • A Field In England (Film directed by Ben Wheatley) Ben Wheatleys latest venture set during the English civil war. Held its own ground this year being screened in black and white with minimalistic setting but still being able to intrigue with its gritty occult vibe and plot laid out on a mental palette which questions war, Greed and religion

  • Django Unchained (Film directed by Quentin Tarantino) Tarantinos latest film and his first with a modern spaghetti western revenge twist tells the story of a slave set free by an infamous bounty hunter who seeks his help in finding his captors. With Comic Book violence and Black comedy antics it is one of the best commercial films I have seen in recent years 

  • Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused To Sing Music Video/ Single This ghostly raymond briggs like video accompanies the meaning of the song a man who loses his sister at a young age envisages memories of his sister through an ever returning raven.

  • Derek TV series Ricky Gervais's new venture set in a nursing home centres on a helper at the home who despite lifes disadvantages remains brave and honest

  • The Returned TV series This french zombie drama with a soundtrack provided by mogwai realistically portrays the dead coming back to life and mixing with the living with no recollection of there fate.

  • Bioshock Infinite Game Set in a levitating steam punk Columbia this game tells an in-depth story of a city controlled by a corrupt Christian government that use there power to create what would seem like a utopia but actually turns out to be a dystopia run on fear and institutionalised elitism. During the games events the protagonist named booker slowly finds out how big a part his actions have had in Columbia's eventuality.

  • Iron Maiden Trooper Ale 

  • Billy Bragg No one Knows Nothing Anymore single this single opened the year with an honest yet catchy portrayal of 21st century Britain. Which sees mr bragg questioning the ambiguity of the 21st century from the economy to religion.

  • The Worlds End (Directed by Edgar Wright) The latest and final edition of the cornetto trilogy starring simon pegg and nick frost. This film sees the main character regroup with old school friends to relive a psychological dream to complete the golden mile a night out of pub golf. Only to find the film taking on a SCI FI when something from out of this world starts replacing the old residents with replicants. 

  • GTA V the new grand theft auto takes us to a high definition revamped san andreas with three playable characters and outstanding landscapes and gameplay

  • Manic Street Preachers FT Richard Hawley Rewind The Film Music Video. This music video shot in a mining town in south wales shows the damages done to working class communities during the mining closures over the past 40 years.

  • Evil Dead Remake Despite the poor hollywood revamps of many classic horror films over the past ten years the evil dead remake isn't scared to tread out of the footsteps of the original adding a modern vibe but still keeping the over the top comic book violence and brutality in place.

  • Black Sabbath 13 Black Sabbath Reunite with ozzy osbourne to bring back the classic sound of there classic first 5 albums.

  • Daft Punk Get Lucky. The new single despite its huge commercial success still manages to blend in funky guitar licks courtesy of guest nile rogers while still being able to fit in there synthesised vocals

  • Steve Mason Oh My Lord Single This single got me into steve masons new album and has a sweet home alabama feel with an anarchistic vocal edge

  • Filth based on a novel by irvine welsh who wrote the classic trainspotting. This film features everyone a British crime thriller should ever have 

  • Johnny Marr Upstarts Single Johnny marr kicked of the year with his first solo album the first single upstarts has an upbeat alt rock feel which provided an honest alternative and break from hard rock and metal.

  • Playstation 4 release. The impressive functionality of the ps4 only makes me more eager to see what the next gen of gaming can really handle over the new few years.

  • Ghost BC Year Zero Music Video After Ghosts first successful album they returned this year with an even more polished album and there first ever music videos. Year Zero has an eery hammer house of horror quality that not many bands can put across even in video form.

  • The Hobbit 2 the second instalment of peter jacksons the hobbit. Manages to fill in even more action and clever fight sequences than the first and leads to an abrupt ending making you even more inpatient for the final and 3rd film.


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