
Showing posts from December, 2013

20 Things I liked this year 2013

                                                     20 Things I liked This Year 2013 A Field In England (Film directed by Ben Wheatley) Ben Wheatleys latest venture set during the English civil war. Held its own ground this year being screened in black and white with minimalistic setting but still being able to intrigue with its gritty occult vibe and plot laid out on a mental palette which questions war, Greed and religion Django Unchained (Film directed by Quentin Tarantino) Tarantinos latest film and his first with a modern spaghetti western revenge twist tells the story of a slave set free by an infamous bounty hunter who seeks his help in finding his captors. With Comic Book violence and Black comedy antics it is one of the best commercial films I have seen in recent years  Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused To Sing Music ...